Perupetro - Peruvian national oil firm
Perupetro has made its position regarding uncontacted indians clear. In an interview on Peruvian TV the chairman, Daniel Saba, said the existence of such tribes is an 'absurd' idea.
Another Perupetro spokesperson compared them to the Loch Ness monster, saying 'Everyone seems to have seen or heard about uncontacted peoples, but there is no evidence.'
Perupetro has already signed contracts with companies like Petrobras, Pluspetrol, "Perenco":/about/perenco, "Repsol-YPF":/about/repsol and "Petrolifera":/petrolifera to work in uncontacted tribes' territories.h2. From the web
"*Perupetro website*":
h2. From Survival's website
"*Uncontacted tribes of Peru*":/tribes/isolatedperu
"*News: Government drops plans to open up uncontacted tribes’ reserves*":/news/3292
"*Uncontacted Tribes campaign*":/campaigns/uncontactedtribes

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