Awa man, BrazilAwa man, BrazilAwa man, BrazilAwa man, BrazilAwa man, Brazil


The world’s threatened tribal peoples

The Americas


Asia & Australasia

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Survival's campaigns

As well as working on specific cases around the world, Survival campaigns on issues which face tribal peoples everywhere.

There are many Mayflowers – Mayflowers Kill

The #MayflowersKill campaign is a partnership between tribal members in the U.S. and Survival International to amplify the story of Native American genocide internationally, reveal how it’s now being repeated in other continents, and show how it can and must be stopped.

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Land Protection Orders... Uncontacted tribes in danger

The Brazilian government is planning to open up the land of uncontacted tribes to deadly exploitation, by scrapping the emergency orders that currently protect their territories. Experts say the plan could drive several uncontacted tribes to extinction, and destroy around 1 million hectares of rainforest – an area twice the size of Delaware.

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© Vijay Ramamurthy

Adivasis against coal

A massive coal rush in India will destroy the lands and livelihoods of tens of thousands of tribal people unless it’s stopped. They’re mounting a courageous and perilous resistance, and urgently need our support.

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The Big Green Lie

At the next Convention on Biological Diversity summit, world leaders are likely to agree a plan to turn 30% of the Earth into “Protected Areas” by 2030. Big conservation NGOs say this will mitigate climate change, reduce wildlife loss, enhance biodiversity and so save our environment. They are wrong.

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© Michael Bachelard

Factory Schools

Factory Schools 'reprogram' tribal and indigenous children to fit the dominant society. We’re pushing for indigenous education to be under indigenous control.

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© Oren Ginzburg/Survival

There you go!

There you go! takes a radical new approach to 'development' and its impact on indigenous peoples, using illustrations and wry humour to deliver its message.

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Uncontacted Tribes

There are more than one hundred uncontacted tribes around the world. Their survival is under threat from violence, disease and racism. Read and take action today.

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Photo of Indigenous activists holding a big canvas that reads: Respect Indigenous Peoples rights. End Co2lonialism© Joe Brusky

Blood Carbon

Carbon offset scams aren't just hot air – they are killing people and the planet.

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More than one hundred and fifty million men, women and children in over sixty countries live in tribal societies. Find out more about them and the struggles they’re facing: sign up to our mailing list for occasional updates.