The Aché of Chupa Pou in #Paraguay have an urgent message for the country’s authorities: they need to evict the settlers from their territory as promised, and stop the destruction of their forest! In 2022, the government agency @INDIPY promised immediate intervention, but the Aché are still waiting. Today, satellite images show how the settlers have already destroyed a huge part of the Aché forest. The Ache people were forcibly contacted in the 60s and 70s. They were massacred and many of their children were taken. Over half the population died in a few years. The long delay in the eviction of the settlers violates the land rights of the Aché as outlined in the Constitution and in international legislation ratified by Paraguay. The authorities must act now! -- Stay up to date on the Indigenous movement: -- #TribalVoice is a project by Survival International, the global movement for tribal peoples. More than one hundred and fifty million people in over sixty countries live in tribal societies. From the Amazon to the Kalahari, from the jungles of India to the Congo rainforest, Tribal Voice gives them a platform. They experience appalling racism and genocidal violence. Their lands and resources are stolen for profit. Their ways of life are being deliberately and systematically destroyed. Here they speak out about what matters to them; watch, listen, and get involved: