Indigenous Peoples Day 2023

Indigenous Peoples Day 2023

Indigenous peoples are the best guardians of biodiversity - 80% of the world’s biodiversity is fo...

“Now, we have become free”

“Now, we have become free”

Célestin, from the Baka people in the Congo, explains that the appalling violence they faced for ...

#UncontactedTribesWeek 2023

#UncontactedTribesWeek 2023

Survival’s the only organization that’s fighting for the rights of #UncontactedTribes around the ...

#BloodCarbon: Northern Rangelands Trust (NRT)’s carbon offsetting project explained

#BloodCarbon: Northern Rangelands Trust (NRT)’s carbon offsetting project explained

In this webinar organized by Survival International, independent researcher Simon Counsell and ec...

"Go and tell them that we don’t want to give away our forest”

"Go and tell them that we don’t want to give away our forest”

Listen to Hairani and Toraji, two nomadic Hongana Manyawa from Halmahera, Indonesia, decrying the...

An uncontacted tribe is being wiped out to produce electric car batteries

An uncontacted tribe is being wiped out to produce electric car batteries

A unique uncontacted tribe in Indonesia and their rainforest home is being destroyed by nickel mi...



Survival is launching a new campaign to stop greenwashing "carbon offsetting" projects on Indigen...

"NRT is doing the wrong thing that I find unjust to our people"

"NRT is doing the wrong thing that I find unjust to our people"

A leader of the Borana #Indigenous people from Kenya, describes the devastating impact that the N...

The Nukak will always fight for our family: Alex, Nukak people

The Nukak will always fight for our family: Alex, Nukak people

“The Nukak will always fight for our family. A big and terrible struggle”. Alex Tinyú, an #Ind...

Join the movement for Indigenous rights

Join the movement for Indigenous rights

Despite the massive obstacles they face, #Indigenous people around the world are fighting for the...

"The children depend on us"

"The children depend on us"

Listen to Olímpio Guajajara explain why humanity should be concerned about the #climate crisis - ...

“They killed my dad that day”

“They killed my dad that day”

Paulo Paulino Guajajara, an Amazon Guardian, foresees his own death in this moving video filmed b...