Rwandan ‘anti-thatch’ campaign leaves thousands of ‘Pygmies’ homeless
April 1, 2011

© COPORWA/Survival
This page was created in 2011 and may contain language which is now outdated.
A Rwandan government programme to destroy all thatched roofs in the country is leaving thousands of Batwa ‘Pygmies’ homeless.
Hundreds of Batwa families have seen their homes destroyed in recent months, forcing them to live in the open during the rainy season.
The authorities plan to destroy all thatched roofs in the country by May this year. Under the destructive scheme, families with means are meant to build new houses at their own expense.
The very poor (which include almost all Batwa) are supposed to be provided with iron sheets to replace the thatch, and the sick and elderly should be given completely new homes. But many huts have been destroyed without new homes being provided.
Among the most affected are the Batwa, the most marginalized people in Rwandan society. Rwandan Batwa are subjected to deep-seated racism and discrimination on a daily basis.
In Rwanda’s Southern Province, 30,000 thatched huts are said to have been destroyed in the last three months. Thousands of families have been left homeless.
The Governor of the Southern Province has justified the demolitions by saying ‘people were seemingly happy to stay in their thatched houses and showed no commitment to leave them.’ Survival has protested to the Rwandan authorities.
Stephen Corry, Survival’s director, said today, ‘Destroying Batwa’s homes, against their wishes, leaving them drenched by the rains, sounds like a sick joke, or the action of an enemy force. That their government is doing this ‘for their own good’ is deplorably arrogant. You don’t improve people’s housing by demolishing their existing homes and leaving them with nothing.’
Please direct a tweet at the Rwanda government on Twitter asking them to reconsider their campaign
@RwandaGov Please stop destroying the homes of Batwa 'Pygmies' in 'anti-thatch' campaign Tweet
@RwandaGov's 'anti-thatch' campaign leaves thousands of 'Pygmies' homeless Tweet