CONTACT: uncontacted Indians emerge, illegal logging blamed
A highly vulnerable group of uncontacted Indians has emerged from the forest on the Peru-Brazil border
A highly vulnerable group of uncontacted Indians has emerged from the forest on the Peru-Brazil border
Brazilian officials have warned that uncontacted Indians face imminent "tragedy" and "death"
GDF Suez is being accused this week of endangering Amazon Indians' lives, including those of highly vulnerable uncontacted tribes.
Survival warned today that the uncontacted Amazon tribe recently photographed from the air has been abandoned to their fate
Brazilian oil company Petrobras started exploring for oil and gas in one of the most isolated parts of the Amazon.
The Kawahiva are a nomadic people, on the brink of extinction as they desperately flee armed loggers and ranchers.
The audio slideshow collates 18 images of tribal and Indigenous communities and their diverse lands.
Scott Wallace’s book describes a journey into the Amazon to gather information about an uncontacted tribe